Our Town, Night One!


Tonight was so much fun! It was amazing to perform and in my opinion I did a great job with it, I did at one point thought to myself I could of played a moment much more aggressive but through the toned down nature, the moment was natural and for me that is the better way of performing.

One thing tonight which was a challenge was a costume change from Simon Stimson into Howie Newsome, I did not have enough time in the final act to get fully changed from Howie into Simon Stimson. Essentially I had to throw my big coat, hat and scarf over my current costume which did work even if it looked a little messy. Meaning that the separation between the two characters was apparent and successful. Speaking of the funeral scene I believe that I delivered my lines absolutely great and that it was at a high performance standard although due to some feedback, when I was ever Simon Stimson. If I got loud my accent would fade due to how my brain would want to revert to its original voice when loud. However now that I know this I can concentrate on this subject tomorrow, my aim for tomorrow is to have my accent stay stable. This also applies to Mr Simon Stimson in the first act.

During Act Two, when conversing with Si Crowell a horse neighing sound cue is meant to happen and I need to flinch however the technicians forgot to play the sound so I still reacted to a mimed horse and acted like how I planned to do in case of a technical issue.

During the play I kept myself from speeding through my lines as I wanted them to be successful and different to me, I believe I achieved this especially within my monologue at the end as Simon or just speaking to Doc Gibbs at the start, I really felt connected and despite two occasional stutters that seemed natural and were not a problem, all my lines were delivered in a way I loved.

I thoroughly believe that tonight went fabulous and I am so proud of what I have done!


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